Monday, April 18, 2011

Costa Rica march for legalization; Marc Emery's letter to his wife

In this article from the Costa Rica News, the Facebook group "Si a la legalización de la marihuana en Costa Rica" is planning a march on April 20th, the infamous day of pot. This Facebook group has over 4,700 members so far. That's a decent amount of people This march is coordinated with others like it around the world, including the United States, England, Venezuela, and the Netherlands. Another similar protest will be held on May 7th. The group apparently got its start when Richard Nixon started the "War On Drugs" in 1971. The article goes on to talk about the situation in Mexico with the drug cartels and it gives some figures for the Americans killed there in recent years thanks to drug cartels and such. In a sadder light, Marc Emery has sent a letter to his wife to tell her that he was denied his request to be transferred back to a Canadian prison. (For the Marc Emery story, visit This is a terrible blow to the legalization push, considering his arrest in 2004 for trafficking drugs was for one joint was a highly political one. Marc Emery sold seeds to consenting adults through a mail order site. There are more things to do with seeds than just grow them. You can toast them and put them in pancakes, you can make homemade hemp oil, etc. I just think it sucks that he has to deal with all of these dumbasses in our prison system.

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